Marionette by Zodiac & Arthur Grygoryan
The collaboration between ZODIAC, a brand by REVTEC 3D and Arthur Grygoryan a USA based freelance toy designer and a 3D printing enthusiast, was about creating something a fun toy. In the end, Arthur designed this Marionette and Zodiac printed it perfectly.
Growing up with high-quality awareness and necessary experience in materials science, Emir Hamzic started to develop ZODIAC in 2018. Now they produce their own components that get the most out of every 3D printer, such as Nozzles Heatbeaks and other accessories.
Arthur Grygoryan has initially got into 3D printing as a means of extending his skill set as a freelance toy designer and discovered this wonderful community. Creating working models and prototypes has helped him tremendously in his independent freelancer job.
Naturally, the idea of making a movable puppet with easily assemblable joints came up. “I wanted to step it up and really make something thematic and fresh, so I started looking at designer’s vinyl and art toys to combine with the puppet theme for inspiration. A series of sketches later, and we settled on a look we both liked and I went on to 3D modeling!” says Arthur. The combination of PLA Mukha with PLA Traffic Red and White shows the Christmas or Winter aesthetic nicely.
“We added wood patterns to let the PLA Extrafill Mukha look more realistic as a real wooden puppet. It came out brilliant and is easy to print,” Emir explains.
Artur had decided to go with kind of elf/Santa’s helper aesthetic since it was around Christmas time when he was working on it. “There’s really nothing like it out there, which is why I opted to do something so crazy by taking these seemingly unrelated elements and combining them into one charming model that can have a sense of timelessness to it,” Arthur explains. This charming marionette has turned out to be a really easy project, you can find the model on Thingiverse.
Since Zodiac is a nozzle and 3D printing accessories producer, they focus on consistent and perfect print quality. They were searching for a reliable filament producer. “The print worked on the first try perfectly. If you look close, the Fillamentum filament creates harmony, which means that it is perfectly suited to our ZODIAC nozzles,” Emir tells us.
Download here:
Printed with:
PLA Extrafill “Mukha”
PLA Extrafill “Traffic Red”
PLA Extrafill “Traffic White”
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