Cosplay spells by 3Demon

Special effects don’t have to be Computer Graphics. Adam Jech, the founder of 3Demon, created three quick and easy spells to go with your cosplay or Halloween costume. As is often the case, 3D printing is Adam’s longtime hobby that later on became what he does for a living.

“I really like costumes and cosplays so far I haven’t seen anything like 3D printed magic spells. A lot of my friends would love to have pictures with these handheld special effects,” Adam explains.

The main intention was to create a quick and easy-to-make model of a spell that would liven up any photo. Adam has also created a detailed tutorial on 3D printing and assembling of three magical spells a Firebolt, Icebolt and Chain Lightning that you can find on Instructables.

The model Konata Du Vallon looks simply stunning with her magic. Adam is also very pleased with how it turned and the pictures by Juriet look totally awesome! The creation of these spells only takes a few minutes.

The spells were printed with PLA Crystal Clear, Iceland Blue, CPE HG100 Red Hood Transparent and Lemonade Translucent. Other color variants are up to the creativity of the makers by choosing different colored filaments or simply by switching the color of LED with the PLA Crystal Clear.

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Printed with:
PLA Crystal Clear
PLA Crystal Clear “Iceland Blue
CPE HG100 Red Hood “Transparent”
CPE HG100 Lemonade “Translucent”

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