Autonomous Robots by Turag
Turag is a robotics team with only around 20 members, created in 2003 by students of the Dresden University of Technology. It was designed to enable other students to put their newly gained knowledge of programming, mechanical, and electrical engineering into practice.
Since 2006 Turag has been taking part in Eurobot. Eurobot is an international robotics contest that took place for the first time in 1998, France. For this competition, teams from around the world create autonomous robots. These robots have to complete a list of tasks depending on the topic of the event.
This year, the theme was “Atom Factory,” and the tasks were inspired by Mendeleev ́s Periodic Table. Robots had to sort and transport “atoms” (hockey pucks of different color and weight) into their special compartments, put the atoms on a weighing scale or symbolically create new elements. All of that under 100 seconds, competing against another robot on the playing field and entirely on its own – without any human guidance.
Turag could celebrate a huge success thanks to their robot Dexter who brought home first place in the German finals and tenth place in the international finals in France.
Even though the main structure of Dexter is from aluminum, 3D printing plays a huge part in its development. From concepts to final parts, Turag is printing with ASA Extrafill as they need high rigidity with excellent printability for their crucial components. ASA is exhibiting outstanding impact resistance and low moisture absorption. It also has high dimensional stability under demanding conditions. That’s why it’s ideal for application in robotics.
Printed with:
ASA Extrafill Anthracite Grey
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