Filla Fella Treasure Chest

What’s inside the Treasure Chest? It’s a small army of Filla Fellas! This treasure chest in a combination of an Ornamental box designed by Jukka Seppänen and a tiny Filla Fella army originally designed by Augustin Flowalistik.

These tiny Filla Fellas are only 9 mm tall, maintaining the well-known silhouette with all the little details. While the chest was printed with a 0.4 nozzle at 0.1 mm layer height, the small Fellas were printed at 0.3 mm layer height. They together create a really fun cute toy and decoration.

It took 2.5 hours to print 200 of these tiny Filla Fellas, and the color combination is just stunning. It’s PLA “Traffic Purple”, “Luminous Yellow”, “Orange Orange” & “Pearl Night Blue” with the Box printed in PLA “Mukha”.

Ornamental Box by Jukka Seppänen:

Get Filla Fella here:

Printed with:
Filla Fellas:
PLA Extrafill “Traffic Purple”
PLA Extrafill “Luminous Yellow”
PLA Extrafill “Orange Orange”
PLA Extrafill “Pearl Night Blue”

Ornamental Box:
PLA Extrafill “Mukha”

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