Usage of PLA Extrafill
in company IDEA StatiCa

Company IDEA StatiCa develops top-quality software for civil engineers, consultants, and other professionals who analyze and dimension building constructions. IDEA StatiCa products enable the users to work faster, evaluate requirements of the national code thoroughly, and use the optimal amount of material.  Primarily, 3D printed models here are made for the purpose of promotion and to attract the attention of professional conferences.

3D models of constructions calculated by the software are printed in filaments by Fillamentum. Specifically, it is a 3D model of steel joint – anchoring a steel column to a concrete foundation.

An application for the design and assessment of joints is one of the company’s products that has no competition in the world. It is based on a state-of-the-art user interface that provides the user-engineer clear feedback on the behavior of the proposed detail. Thanks to the printed 3D model, a civil engineer immediately knows whether the designed detail is satisfactory or not and can react immediately and possibly modify the design. “We always print in Fillamentum PLA materials. We chose Fillamentum brand because of the absolutely clear cataloging according to RAL colors and because of the high quality and homogeneity of offered materials,” explains Vít Hurčík, product engineer at IDEA StatiCa.

3D models of steel joints

In the building industry, 3D printing offers a huge opportunity to present real details on real 3d printed models on a scale. These 3D models are for presentation to a target group of people (such as structural engineers, project architects, or investors) as well as for case studies, marketing purposes, and others.

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