Especially with dogs, an uneven load due to the loss of a leg inevitably leads to consequential damage and thus to incalculable costs for the dog owner. Recognizing that this work requires high quality materials, Pawsthesis turned to Fillamentum. The aim of the Pawsthesis project is to develop and market a prosthetic leg for dogs. The founding team consists of the industrial engineers Dominik Hogen and Simon Schuß and the concept for 3D-printed dog-prosthesis was developed during their studies at the University of Augsburg (Germany). For the implementation, Pawsthesis decided to use filament from Fillamentum, specifically Flexfill TPU 98A. Thermoplastic polyurethane with hardness 98 Shore A is a technical semi-flexible filament that offers great mechanical properties such as high tear and tensile strength.