3D printed interactive objects
by experimentum

The Experimentum has been dedicated for some time to the creation of interactive objects for museum projects in order to spread awareness of science, culture, and care about our environment in a playful way. The Experimentum boasts cooperation with more than 6 interactive museums in five different cities across Mexico. More than 100,000 visitors had the opportunity to try out the exhibits. The company uses ASA Extrafill by Fillamentum for their projects.

Fillamentum managed to connect with the design director, Mr. Ángel Fabián Estrada Navarra, responsible for the coordination and easy-going of the entire production process, 3D modeling and 3D printing. We did not hesitate for a second and interviewed Mr. Navarro:

Why did you start printing parts on a 3D printer?

The process was totally upside down – we started 3D printing large format of paleo sculptures of prehistoric animals in 1: 1 scale. Later on we started using 3D printing for rapid prototyping of parts that allow interactive mechanisms. This is where our partnership with Fillamentum began, which helped us to realize an interactive exhibition on renewable energies abroad by supplying filaments. We used the ASA Extrafill filament for this project.

How did you make these objects in the past?

We used cardboard and wood to make prototypes, and then the final parts were machined from aluminum or nylon.

So has 3D printing solved any specific problem?

We now have pieces suitable for outdoor use, and ASA surprised us with its mechanical and aesthetic properties. It is a fast and cheap way of production.

Can you explain what the printed objects are used for?

Our projects are based on interactivity, which we use to gain experience about information technology and mechanical interactive materials. These Interactive Devices often present a challenge in the design and manufacture of mechanisms; 3D printing allows us to produce various types of objects such as gears, rails, handles, knobs and decorative elements.

What materials do you use?

ASA Extrafill and PLA Extrafill.

Did you save any costs or time by using FDM printing?

In addition, our production times have been reduced by approximately 50%. A huge advantage is the possibility of developing all processes in our workshop, which facilitates prototyping and production. In terms of costs, they were also reduced by around 50%.

How do you know Fillamentum?

From the social networks 3D PRYNXZ, the Mexican distributor Fillamentum and from the Facebook group “3D printing enthusiasts”.

What was the main reason for choosing Fillamentum filaments over other brands?

High-quality filaments, a wide selection of types and colors and especially ASA material, which perfectly meets requirements for our applications.

What do you like most about printing with our materials?

Their reliability because it is easy to calibrate print parameters and the possibility of failure is minimal.

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Follow Experimentum:


e-mail: experimentum.edu@gmail.com,


phone: (0052) 449 199 7986