Sacred Geometry Lights
by David Shorey
Hello David! It’s lovely to have you here for a chat. You have been working on a “research” in combining the 3D printing and fabrics for several years now. The first design I remember from you was your dragon scales designs. Now something brand new!
I have been working on a system that connects other objects together.
A maker toolkit is what I have been calling it. I want to have a standard set of connectors that I can start with when prototyping.

What will the maker toolkit be for? For lamps?
It’s general purpose designed for quick connection of standard things like Lego, paper clips, wooden dowels, servo motors, etc.
Oh, nice! We have already seen your lego joints, which are in progress now. What’s your opinion, how many parts will be in the toolkit in the end?
I feel like it will be an ongoing thing. I will make the sets like Wooden Dowels connectors, Hex nut holders, embedded Magnets holes, etc.
What name did you give to your new lamps project?
Sacred Geometry Lights.

Again it’s a combination of fabric, printing, and if my eyesight is right, also wood.
I wanted the lights to have a warm natural feel, so I used wood and 100% cotton fabric.
Didn’t the cotton burn during printing?
No, that cotton is actually one of the best fabrics I have found to print on.

So why have you used the plastic ones all the time? We thought it’s because cotton burns faster in lower temperatures and also has smaller “pores” for melting the plastic in it.
I found that a good test to see if the fabric will be printable is by holding it up to a light and see how much light shines through it. Some cheap tulle fabric will melt or become brittle during the printing process.
As usual, are these models also on your Patreon where people can also support your work?
I will be putting the connectors on both the Patreon and MyMiniFactory.

You’ve won a prize for the best maker, your works are at a museum. WOW. Congratulations!!!
I didn’t win in the MyMiniFactory Poly Panel contest.
I got the Editors’ Choice Ribbon at Maker Faire Bay Area 2018.
The Museum of Science and Industry in Chicago contacted me to be in their 15-month long exhibit: Wired to Wear. I was thrilled that they reached out to me. I was able to show my work to my niece and nephew in the same museum where I would go as a kid. The place is huge and has an annual attendance of over 1.5 million people.

What are your next plans?
More high-end designs for lights.
Some handbags using 3D printing, carbon fiber, and Kevlar fabric.
I’m focusing on the Great Gatsby meets Iron Man style.
That’s a really unusual combination. We’re excited about it already!
Thank you so much.
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