Poly Disco Balls
by Devin Montes

Devin Montes runs a YouTube channel and website called Make Anything with a belief that everybody should have access to well-designed products.

With the intent of building a single Polyhedra Disco Ball, Devin didn’t hesitate to go big and printed around 1000 individual connecting parts called Polypanels. They come in any number of shapes, sizes, and forms, but the edge connectors are always the same so they are very compatible. Only two different models, the square and triangle panels, were used to make all these different shapes.

These Polyhedra panels are an example of the limitless possibilities that can be build just from a few simple building blocks. These particular panels were designed especially for holding pre-cut mirrors that were ordered online. PLA Vertigo Starlight was the perfect complement to the mirrors, giving that extra pop of contrast Devin was hoping for.

Download here:

Printed with:
PLA Extrafill “Vertigo Starlight”

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