Ethan Baehrend is the young but nonetheless experienced founder and CEO of Creative 3D Technologies. A young startup focused on creating all-in-one solutions to 3D printing. The record Benchy started as a kind of a stress test for his new 3D printer, which is the leading product in Creative 3D Technologies.

“I started Creative 3D after years of successfully running an online business refurbishing and upgrading 3D printers and my frustrations with the over 100 products I worked with. In short, I was tired of having many specialty printers to do the job of what I felt could be done with one printer. Ethan tells us. The Benchy he has made is a clear statement of what the company is capable doing.

One other perk on why Ethan decided to print Benchy was that “I enjoy seeing things at scales they weren’t initially intended to be made at, small or large I just find it entertaining!” It has proven to be quite a challenge that he has hoped to overcome, to print a Benchy of this scale while maintaining the high precision, layer quality, and speed.

The whole Benchy challenge was to make it happen under a week with a high-precision exterior and a high strength interior. The same printer also had to be capable of printing the famous ship at the tiny scale of 14% as well as the huge scale of 1400%. The creation of this Benchy took many attempts through each iteration of machine design and helped Ethan reach a point of progress. In the end, the result was a precise, strong, and remarkably large Benchy that simply looks stunning! The only thing that Ethan considered changing was the size. “If anything, I could have made it a little bigger at 1450% scale instead of 1400%.”

“It looks beautiful in the Fillamentum PLA Vertigo Galaxy and has precise layer lines to back it up! It’s a personal favorite! I’ve always been a big fan of Fillamentum Filaments, their consistency, and of course, the colors! As a company, I hope to support them with material profiles once we’ve begun in-house production of our products post-fundraise.” Ethan tells us.

Printed with:
PLA Extrafill “Vertigo Galaxy”

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