Amethyst Geode by Vít Budina

Vít Budina is a young 17 years old mechanical engineering student from Olomouc, Czech Republic. 3D printing seems like a natural pathway for engineering students and professionals where creativity and technical knowledge create immediate results.
Vít thought about creating this project first when he saw real Amethyst Geodes along with the prices on Reddit and thought: What if you could print one yourself? Plus it could be cheaper! Can I do it?” To think unconventionally was an essential part of the designing process for Vít since he had to overcome many challenges to give the 3D print a genuine Amethyst Geode look, detailing everything in his extensive guide. “The model is basically impossible to make the way it is on a single material printer without the use of some unusual tricks,” he says. Infill played a considerable role in this project by combining different patterns of infill and bottom layers to his advantage Vít was able to achieve this excellent Amethyst effect.

This lovely design has traits that fit most interior styles. This design looks both quite realistic but still somewhat stylized in the sense that, after all, it’s a gemstone made of plastic that feels very natural and is full of irregularities. I’m very happy with the result. I think I achieved what I wanted. It looks and feels very similar to a real one,” Says Vít. “I’m thinking about making another one that looks different and has some improvements. I’d love to make more than just one version of this, probably a different shape or something.” We are certainly looking forward to what this young future mechanical engineer can come up with.

Choosing Fillamentum materials was a natural choice as he says, “I like Fillamentum materials. They have outstanding quality and nice and equal dispersion of the filament’s pigment while still keeping the price relatively low. Plus, they are produced locally.” Vít printed the model with PLA Crystal Clear “Amethyst Purple”, Crystal Clear, and PLA Extrafill “Vertigo Grey”. He chose the filaments based on the hues that come really close to the hues of the real Amethyst Geode Gemstones. You can also print this model yourself since it’s available on Cults3D, Thingiverse, and MyMiniFactory.

Printed with:
PLA Crystal Clear
PLA Crystal Clear “Amethyst Purple”
PLA Extrafill “Vertigo Grey”

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