Maker Faire New York 2018
with Fillamentum ❤️
Now it’s the right time to look back on the best Maker Faire this year!
Yes, we are talking about the New York’s event we attended in September: the dream team of our CEO Mr. Dolecek and the marketing guru Laila.
And how was it?
👍 Awesome people
👍 Awesome weather
👍 Awesome exhibition
Matterhackers meetup
On the first evening of our arrival to NY, we were took part in the Matterhackers Meetup at Fat Cat Fab Lab. It was just the perfect place for seeing everybody first-time. After it, we were ready for the next two days at MF.
Who we met
Everybody! Like for real, this was the massive meetup of all talented people who we mostly knew just from Youtube, Twitter, and Instagram.
What we liked
The whole event was absolutely fun. There were so many different projects from blacksmiths to robotics. We loved it!
Saturday after party with Matterhackers
We were proud we could join the after party and invite people for the first round of drinks. It was as a rad night on a hotel rooftop; we met old and new faces there and had the time to chat.
The interesting fact was that in the 3D printing village, there were a lot of companies directly from the Czech Republic or run by people from Czechia. So was great to meet a lot of familiar faces and have a great time with them!
We don’t have all of them in photos, but there were: Prusa team, Plasty Mladec, Jelly Box, 3D Simo, and Filament One.
We got there just with two suitcases and thanks to these makers, you could see the great prints they’d sent us or brought by themselves to our booth in NY.
And Chris Taylor Jr, which stopped by and give us his amazing vases!
There wasn’t much time left in between MF and after-parties each day, but we’ve seen something at least! : )
Thank you for all your visits, hugs and spreader love for 3D printing.
See you next year on New York Maker Fair!
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