From now on Parzlich s.r.o. becomes
Fillamentum Manufacturing Czech s.r.o.

Dear customers,

This is an announcement that since 5. 12. 2018 there is a change in the name of our company. From now on Parzlich s.r.o. becomes Fillamentum Manufacturing Czech s.r.o.

This strategic step was made out of a continuous development of the company. We are producers of filaments for 3D printing, plastic tubes and extruded profiles used mainly in automotive and food industry. Strong brand Fillamentum belongs to the top 5 global producers of filaments and that is why the owners have decided that Parzlich s.r.o. will join Fillamentum family under a unified name Fillamentum Manufacturing Czech s.r.o.

IMPORTANT! Since 5. 12. 2018 including, we do not accept any orders aimed to the company name Parzlich s.r.o.

Contact details, address, VAT number remains same.

Thank you for understanding
Best regards,

Fillamentum team

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