Ghost in the Shell Geisha by M. Nicholas

Matthew Nicholas is an ex-army paratrooper now a commission artist specializing in replica film props, including studio scale film miniatures and an enthusiastic maker.

Matthew was building film replica props for over twenty years. About 5-6 years ago he started to use 3D printer, another tool in his workshop. Even though there has certainly been a learning curve, the 3D printed parts have become his main distinctive trait.

“I chose the robot Geisha assassin from Ghost in the Shell as it was the most memorable piece from the film for me personally. Between the body and the hair remaining unpainted, I knew it would showcase Fillamentum’s ABS quality. The painted inner robot parts would contrast so well from the elegant simplicity of the outer head and hair that it would give it that visual WOW factor!” Mathew says.

The model was based on incredible work for the film done by the folks over at the Weta workshop, a special effects and prop company based in Miramar, New Zealand, producing effects for television and film.

This replica model was designed by Exclusive 3D Prints with incredible attention to detail. They are professional 3D sculpture designers with over a decade of experience with a deep passion for game, comic and film-based collectible figures, 3D printable at any size.

“I am beyond happy with the final result, as well as the amount of positive feedback and attention the piece has received online. It certainly exceeded my expectations and was well worth the amount of time and effort put into building her.” Matthew tells us.

One of the challenges that Matthew encountered was the sheer size of the printed object, the 1:1 in scale to a human head. The print settings and orientation for the best possible surface qualities were well fought off. After all the parts were printed out, they fit in just right. When the test fitting was done it was time to color the contrasting inner robot parts and other small details. After the final assembly, the face of the Geisha was finished with the signature pink paint. The whole project was built entirely in ABS Extrafill Traffic White and Traffic Black.

“I prefer ABS due to how easy it is to sand and work with during post-processing, but in addition, Fillamentum ABS flows and prints so wonderfully, it keeps me coming back for more!” Matthew explains.

“Surface finishes come out so smooth, even at 0.2 or 0.3 layer heights, and the colors are consistent. I love the stickers that come with each roll and the filament diameters are so consistent that I never get the filament feed errors that my printers like to throw when printing with some other brands. All in all, Fillamentum just makes my ability to output beautiful, high-quality prints that much easier. I have enjoyed working with your products so much, and hope to continue doing so into the foreseeable future!”

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Printed with:
ABS Extrafill Traffic White
ABS Extrafill Trafic Black

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